New LifeStyles - Dallas

Summer/Fall 2021

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SACHSE MEMORY CARE OXFORD GLEN MEMORY CARE AT SACHSE 4546 Bunker Hill Road Sachse, TX 75048 (214) 444-5553 or (469) 814-9162 48 units, NP, VA BI, DAY, MEM, MM, RSP, WSS Rates start at $4,295 (Ad on page 3) MAP #13 Located just off the George Bush Turnpike near Firewheel Towne Center... At Oxford Glen, we do more than care for your loved one. We care about them. Using state-of- the-art technologies, our certified dementia care team works to connect residents to family and friends in ways that provide hope and joy. Call or stop by today. Lic. #105791. Legend on page 98 42

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