New LifeStyles - Dallas

Summer/Fall 2021

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DALLAS SUB-ACUTE GOLDEN ACRES Over 60 Years of Service 2525 Centerville Road Dallas, TX 75228 (214) 327-4503 264 beds *** SNF, IV, RHB, RSP, HOS, DIAL, MED, SUB, PAL, SU, TCH, WC (Ad on page 99) MAP #6 Golden Acres offers Fast Track rehab for people who have been hospitalized. Therapy modalities include PT, OT, and SLP, 6 days a week with therapists certified in: Ultrasound, vitalstim, e-stim and diathermy treat ments. Our wound care team is under the direction of a certified wound care physician and dedicated wound nurse. Our Fast Track Unit cares for the more medically complex patient, IV nursing care, cardio-pulmonary care and intensive rehabiliation. Easy transitioning to long term care or secured memory care, hospice/respite care and independent living available. Spacious private rooms. 69 CARE MANAGEMENT CNC HOME CARE 8111 Preston Road, Suite 415 Dallas, TX 75225 (214) 540-5942 Serving Dallas Since 1994 PAS, PER, MEM, L, HC, RSP, CUS, CM Licensed by Texas DADS Bonded & Insured. Call for more information. (Ad on page 73) CNC Home Care offers help with all aspects of your in-home care including assistance with bathing and grooming, meal planning and preparation, light house keeping and laundry, grocery shopping, and medi cation reminders and home management. We work within a home, hospital or retirement setting and offer a COMPLI MENTARY ASSESSMENT and interview with the caregiver. All caregivers/ companions are bonded and insured and provide hourly or live-in services. Our owner/administrator has 27 years of experience working with seniors. Due to space limitations in this directory, we are unable to include a comprehensive list of the Affordable Senior Housing communities participating in the HUD 202 program or the area Senior Centers, but all can be found on our web site at:

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