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31 HELPFUL RESOURCES This is a "mini-directory" of programs and services for senior residents in the Santa Barbara/San Luis Obispo areas. For more information, call the Area Agency on Aging office in your county. GENERAL INFORMATION American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) 888-687-2277 American Parkinson Disease Association 800-908-2732 American Society on Aging 800-537-9728 Area Agency on Aging Main Office 805-510-2020 Santa Barbara 805-965-3288 San Luis Obispo 805-541-0384 Arthritis Foundation 800-355-9040 Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) 703-894-1805 California Health Advocates 800-434-0222 Children of Aging Parents (CAPS) 800-227-7294 Elder Abuse Hotline 800-677-1116 Gerontology Associates 800-626-2993 Leading Age 202-783-2242 National Stroke Association 800-787-6537 Senior Centers Information 800-339-4661 FINANCIAL INFORMATION CA Medical Review Medicare Info 800-841-1602 Medi-Cal 800-952-5294 Social Security & Medicare 800-772-1213 Veteran's Assistance 800-827-1000 SANTA BARBARA Adult Protective Services 805-681-4550 Alzheimer's Association 805-563-0020 American Cancer Society 805-963-1576 American Diabetes Assoc. 805-685-2773 American Heart Assoc. 805-963-8862 American Lung Assoc. 805-963-1426 Arthritis Foundation 805-892-5556 Family Service Agency 805-965-1001 Long Term Care Ombudsman 805-563-6025 Retired Employees of Santa Barbara 805-564-0066 RSVP-Retired Senior Volunteer Program 805-963-0474 Senior Homemaker Service 805-965-5555 United Way of Santa Barbara 805-965-8591 SAN LUIS OBISPO Adult Protective Services 805-781-1790 Alzheimer Association 805-547-3830 American Cancer Society 805-543-1481 American Heart Association 805-544-1505 Central Coast Commission for Seniors 805-928-5663 Coast Caregiver Resource Center 805-962-3600 x14 Emergency Medical Services San Luis Obispo 805-546-8728 Life Steps Foundation- Linkages 805-547-9680 Long Term Care Ombudsman 805-785-0132 Senior Nutrition Program of San Luis Obispo County 805-541-3312 Volunteer Hospice of San Luis Obispo County 805-544-2266 YMCA 805-543-8235