New LifeStyles - Austin

Summer/Fall 2021

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See our listings on pages 10 and 16. A new day is dawning. INTRODUCING SAFE, INNOVATIVE SENIOR LIVING COMING SOON TO BEE CAVE. Longleaf Bee Cave is breaking new ground when it comes to health and wellbeing. Our new assisted living and memory care community is implementing the latest safeguards in design and engineering, including but not limited to, disinfectant UV lighting, LRQLFDLUƓOWUDWLRQIRU+9$&V\VWHPVDQGDQWLPLFURELDOVXUIDFHVWR prevent viral spread. Using sophisticated safety innovations, fresh GHVLJQFRQFHSWVDQGIRUZDUGWKLQNLQJSKLORVRSKLHV/RQJOHDILVEXLOW upon the idea of turning corners, not cutting them. For seniors and their loved ones looking for a community that values the highest levels of service, FDUHVDIHW\FRPIRUWDQGVW\OH/RQJOHDILVKHUH 3936 South FM 620 Road •$XVWLQ7H[DV•/RQJOHDI%HH&DYHFRP $66,67('/,9,1*•0(025<&$5(•6+2577(5067$<6 B E E C A V E Limited-timeSUHRSHQLQJ)RXQGHUōV &OXEVDYLQJVDQGEHQHƓWVQRZDYDLODEOH&DOO 512-722-7032 to schedule an appointment DWRXUQHZO\RSHQHG,QIRUPDWLRQ&HQWHURUYLVLW /RQJOHDI%HH&DYHFRP

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