New LifeStyles - Austin

Winter/Spring 2021

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Personalized Senior Living Placement, Referral, and Advisory Services As your Senior Living Locator, I will escort you on a tour of the locations that meet your personal, financial, and geographical preferences. I can also help you find the right expert for veterans benefits, elder law, geriatric care management, home health, non-medical home care, long term care insurance, senior real estate specialists, senior movers, and a myriad of other services senior citizens may need. Michael Gill Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) Cell: 512-630-7133 Office: 512-402-2795 Specializing in: • Memory Care • Assisted Living • Independent Retirement Communities • Residential Care Homes I can help guide seniors and their adult children to the senior living community that fits the required care needs, geographical preference, and finances. I have personally visited nearly every community in the greater Austin area. Free To You Priceless in Your Search No Obligation "I have been through this same process for my parent, so I know from personal experience what you are going through." Call today and together we can organize an intelligent and comprehensive search for the best senior living option for you or your loved one! Texas Senior Living Locators Serving Travis, Williamson and Hays Counties

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